viernes, 29 de abril de 2011

Dunedin 2

Hello every body! Long long, long time in Dunedin, reason that I'm writing again about. Close than 1 month that I spent there working for accommodation with friends.
We do a little bit everything around. We organized a football match versus another backpacker, and funny nights and days with Lala ^^. And continue with the awesome meals. Lasaña, crepes, tortillas, tortilla española, apple comber, paella, salads, some germans meals, and I can say …. etc. :P
But time to move again, only 3 weeks left, so… try to visit some places in the north and time to fly back. I'm going to Coromandel, Waitakere National Park, and Northland(north of the north Island). I will write about ;) But first leave Dunedin ^^

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