lunes, 31 de enero de 2011


Hello, hello! "again"
Already more than one week that I don't write any message. Really, I just stayed in citys, and which bad weather. So..., I start. I slept in Chrischurch more time that in a first time I like to stay, but I met good friends in Friendz Backpacker, and we broke the time very good(Pool, some partys, and "Talk" ^^), finally, I leaved the last friday, if not I continued to spend to much money per day, and gain anything :P. Now I'm in Greymonth, a city in the west coast very little but is a city. In the first time I just think that I don't stay for long, but I found a place for work in the hostel, and gain the free accommodation. Good ambient, and bad weather during days, so, perfect.
Nearly It's the moment to move, maybe Nelson lakes or to Franz Josef Glaciars, just.... depend. Tomorrow I'll decide were! And leave again to new places... because I look for some wwoof but I prefere to stay in a beautiful place, I already choose some one, and now just wait for the answer.

So, This week I didn't make nothing special(for show you in pictures), only I toke pictures a really nice sun set.

Well, the next post maybe in feww days... when I'll found internet again. ;) See you!

1 comentario:

  1. Hello Bena,

    Je vais écrire en français pour pas que tu l'oublie pas non plus! jejeje, je vois que sa roule, money money c'est sure qu'il en faut de ce papier qui nous permet de découvrir les merveilles de cette planète, mais pas de soucies, je suis sure que tu vas dégoter un bon wwoof rapido. De notre côté on s'est décidé de terminer le voyage en Inde dans les montagnes du nord, histoire de se mettre en forme avant le retour au chalet. On te racontera tout sa. Pour l'instant on va refaire une tentative dans la montagne du Sri Lanka, en espérant qu'on est pas la pluie et qu'on puisse faire des randos et triper avec les veddas dans la jungle.

    Un abraso muy fuerte y good luck
